GCN Circular 9733
GRB 090727: optical observations
2009-07-29T12:31:34Z (15 years ago)
Vladimir Sokolov at SAO RAS <sokolov@sao.ru>
A. Moskvitin, A. Valeev, T. Fatkhullin,
O. Sholukhova & S. Fabrika (SAO-RAS Niznijh Arkhyz, Russia),
on behalf of a larger colaboration, report:
We observed the GRB090727 optical afterglow (Smith et al. GCN Circ. 9719,
GCN Circ. 9722; J. Gorosabel et al. GCN Circ 9728 ) with the SAO RAS 6-m
telescope in Caucasus. The observations were carried out in the R band
with a total exposure of 158 sec. The weather was cloudy with a sufficient
atmospheric extinction. We estimated the brightness of the object as
R = 21.53 +/- 0.17 at the middle epoch of 23:21:12 27 July 2009 UT
(2334 sec after the trigger). Calibration was done aganist 10 USNO B1.0
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