GCN Circular 9719
GRB 090727: Liverpool Telescope possible OT candidate
2009-07-28T02:19:38Z (15 years ago)
James Smith at ARI,Liverpool John Moors U <rjs@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
R.J. Smith, C.G. Mundell (Liverpool JMU) on behalf of a large
collaboration report:
The 2-m Liverpool Telescope robotically reacted to GRB 090727 (SWIFT
trigger 358520, Evans et al, GCN Circ. 9718), starting observing at
22:44:59UTC. A source which is not visible in the digitized sky survey is
detected in both SDSS r' and i' filters at position 21:03:50.6 +64:55:30
J2000. This lies within the XRT error circle reported by Evans et al, GCN
Circ. 9718. The approximate magnitude, calibrated with respect to nearby
USNOB stars is R=21.3 +/- 0.2 and I = 20.2 +/- 0.2. The target is slightly
crowded by brighter stellar sources and analysis is ongoing to determine
if the OT candidate is fading.