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GCN Circular 8841

AXP 1E1547.0-5408: long bursts with INTEGRAL SPI-ACS
2009-01-22T20:38:00Z (16 years ago)
Sandro Mereghetti at IASF/CNR <>
S. Mereghetti (INAF/IASF-Milano), D. Gotz (CEA/Saclay), A. von Kienlin 
(MPE), V. Beckmann, V. Savchenko, A. Neronov, M. Beck (ISDC), J.Borkowski 
(CAMK/Torun) report on behalf of the INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB team:

On 2009 Jan 22, the SPI Anti-Coincidence System (ACS) on-board INTEGRAL 
recorded two bright and long bursts from the AXP 1E1547.0-5408 that 
recently reactivated (GCN 8833, 8835, 8837, 8838).

In both bursts, pulsations at the neutron star period of 2.1 s are clearly visible

The start times, duration, and ACS peak count rates (Dt=50 ms) are the 
1) 06:48:04.2 UT     8.4 s    1.5 10^6 cts/s 
2) 08:17:29.4 UT     6.4 s    1.9 10^5 cts/s

Burst 1) consists of a short inital spike, lasting about 0.25 s, followed
by a pulsating tail. 

The light curves are available at
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