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GCN Circular 763

Updated IPN coordinates for GRB000801
2000-08-01T20:46:13Z (24 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <>
T. Cline, on behalf of the Konus-Wind and NEAR GRB teams, S. Golenetskii and E.
Mazets, on behalf of the Konus-Wind GRB team, and K. Hurley, on behalf
of the Ulysses GRB team, report:

Analysis of Konus-Wind data for this burst (GCN 761, 762) indicates that the
correct error box of the two is:

    RA(2000)                 DEC(2000)
 11 h 11 m 46.14 s     -9 o 24 '  43.65 "  (CENTER)
 11 h 11 m 58.39 s     -9 o 25 '  33.33 "  (CORNER)
 11 h 11 m 15.51 s     -9 o 16 '  27.89 "  (CORNER)
 11 h 12 m 16.65 s     -9 o 33 '   1.31 "  (CORNER)
 11 h 11 m 33.90 s     -9 o 23 '  54.23 "  (CORNER)
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