GCN Circular 761
IPN localization of GRB000801
2000-08-01T18:26:42Z (25 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <khurley@sunspot.ssl.berkeley.edu>
K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, S. Golenetskii and
E. Mazets, on behalf of the Konus-Wind GRB team, and T. Cline, on
behalf of the NEAR and Konus-Wind GRB teams, report:
Ulysses, Konus, and NEAR observed this burst at 17774 s UT. As observed
by Ulysses, it had a duration ~30 s, a 25-100 keV fluence of
~1.7x10^-5 erg/cm^2, and a peak flux over 0.25 s of ~1.3x10^-6
erg/cm^2 s. We have triangulated it to two preliminary, 3 sigma
error boxes whose coordinates are:
RA(2000) DEC(2000)
6 h 27 m 31.87 s -38 o 40 ' 9.79 " (CENTER)
6 h 27 m 23.28 s -38 o 42 ' 48.54 " (CORNER)
6 h 27 m 31.98 s -38 o 28 ' 57.97 " (CORNER)
6 h 27 m 32.02 s -38 o 51 ' 21.61 " (CORNER)
6 h 27 m 40.45 s -38 o 37 ' 31.22 " (CORNER)
RA(2000) DEC(2000)
11 h 11 m 46.14 s -9 o 24 ' 43.65 " (CENTER)
11 h 11 m 58.39 s -9 o 25 ' 33.33 " (CORNER)
11 h 11 m 15.51 s -9 o 16 ' 27.89 " (CORNER)
11 h 12 m 16.65 s -9 o 33 ' 1.31 " (CORNER)
11 h 11 m 33.90 s -9 o 23 ' 54.23 " (CORNER)
This triangulation result can be improved. In particular,
we have used Earth-blocking by BeppoSAX, which did not
observe this event, to determine that the first position
is the more likely one. However, confirmation will only
come when the full Konus data set becomes available. Due
to continuing network problems at Goddard, this may require
up to 24 hours.