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GCN Circular 7075

GRB 071112B: Magellan i-band imaging
2007-11-13T04:26:52Z (17 years ago)
Edo Berger at Princton U <>
E. Berger (Princeton/OCIW) and P. Challis (CfA) report:

"We observed the BAT error circle of the short GRB 071112B (GCN 7071) with 
LDSS3 on the Magellan/Clay telescope.  A total of 1200 sec were obtained 
in the i-band in 0.9" seeing starting 6.25 hours after the burst.  A 
comparison to DSS reveals no new bright sources within the BAT error 
circle.  A comparison of the first and final images (with a separation of 
20 min) reveals no clear fading sources, although we note that the time 
baseline is very short.  Further observations are in progress."
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