GCN Circular 6530
GRB 070612A: continued SARA observations
2007-06-13T21:02:58Z (18 years ago)
Adria C. Updike at Clemson U <aupdike@clemson.edu>
Adria C. Updike, Jason Puls, Dieter H. Hartmann (Clemson University),
Matt Wood (FIT), Josh Cardenzana (U Missouri - Rolla), and Shelsea
Pederson (MIT) report:
We re-imaged the field of GRB 070612A (GCN 6509, Grupe et al.) with the
SARA 0.9m telescope at Kitt Peak under decent weather conditions. We
obtained 15 minutes of R-band images beginning 24 hours after the
trigger (282006).
The afterglow (Updike et al. GCN 6515, Cenko et al. GCN 6525) is
detected at a R-band magnitude of 18.3 +/- 0.4 as calibrated relative to
9 USNO B1.0 stars, thus confirming the fading behavior.
The SARA Homepage can be found at:
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