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GCN Circular 6096

GRB 070125: Break in Optical Decay
2007-02-11T00:07:21Z (18 years ago)
Jules Halpern at Columbia U. <>
N. Mirabal, J. Halpern (Columbia U.), & J. R. Thorstensen (Dartmouth)
report on behalf of the MDM Observatory GRB follow-up team:

"We obtained several observations of the afterglow of GRB 070125
(Cenko & Fox, GCN 6028) between 2 and 12 days after the burst using the
MDM 2.4m and 1.3m telescopes.  Results in the R-band are summarized as

               Date(UT)   t-t0(days)  R(mag)   +/-
              Jan 27.270     1.964     19.71   0.02
              Jan 28.299     2.993     20.44   0.03
              Jan 29.346     4.040     21.07   0.07
              Feb  6.307    12.001    >23.8

Calibration was performed with Landolt standard stars.  In addition, we
data from the GCN circulars, and placed them on a common scale using their
calibrators.  MDM images and the compiled R-band light curve are shown at:

The light curve shows an apparent plateau or rise at about 1 day.  Between 1
and 4 days, it is well described by a power law of slope -1.6.  Our upper
at 12 days implies that a break occurred after 4 days, and that the slope
became steeper than -2.2.   At redshift z=1.55 (Fox et al., GCN 6071) and
fluence 1.5x10^-4 erg cm^-2 (Bellm et al., GCN 6025), the assumed isotropic
energy is 9x10^53 erg.  If we treat 4 days as a lower limit on the time
of any "jet break", then the jet opening angle is of order 6 degrees or
greater, and the beamed energy is 6x10^51 erg or greater.

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