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GCN Circular 43

GRB980329 optical observations
1998-04-03T11:00:40Z (27 years ago)
Sylvio Klose at TLS Tautenburg <>
Sylvio Klose, Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany, reports:

I-Band images obtained on March on March 29.8-30.0 UT, using the
Tautenburg Schmidt telescope equipped with the Schmidt focus CCD camera
show an object at the position of the radio source reported by
Taylor et al. [GCN Circ #40].

This object was not visible on the I-band images taken on March 31.8-31.9 UT
with the Tautenburg telescope (GCN #36).  It was also not found on an I-band
image taken on April 1.85 UT by H. Lehmann and H. Meusinger, Thueringer
Landessternwarte, with the Calar Alto 2.2-m telescope equipped with CAFOS.

Since no R-band counterpart was seen on the Tautenburg images taken on
March 29.8-30.0 UT, I hesitate to claim the detection of this source. 
This object is visible on various I-band frames, and also appears
if flat-fielding is not performed.  Its magnitude is about I=20,
but I do not have a photometric standard.

These Tautenburg I-band Images are availabe via anonymous ftp from
in the directory /pub/klose.

Comments are welcome.
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