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GCN Circular 26529

LIGO/Virgo S191216ap: MASTER optical observation
2019-12-21T16:50:55Z (5 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <>
V. Lipunov,  E. Gorbovskoy, V.Kornilov, N.Tyurina, P.Balanutsa,A.Kuznetsov,F.Balakin, K.Zhirkov,
V.Vladimirov, D. Vlasenko, I.Gorbunov, D.Zimnukhov, V.Senik, T.Pogrosheva, A.Chasovnikov, 
D.Kuvshinov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, SAI, Physics Department),
O.A. Gres, N.M. Budnev, O.Ershova (Irkutsk State University, API),
R. Podesta, C.Lopez, F. Podesta, C.Francile(Observatorio Astronomico FelixAguilar OAFA),
H.Levato(Instituto de Ciencias Astronomicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio ICATE),
R. Rebolo, M. Serra(The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias),
D. Buckley(South African Astronomical Observatory),
V. Yurkov, A. Gabovich, Yu. Sergienko(Blagoveschensk Educational State University)
A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov (Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory),

MASTER covered 812 square degrees of S191216ap
( MassGap (>99%); 324+/-78Mpc LVC GCN 26454, Lipunov et al. GCN 26457, GCN 26474;
Barthelmy collection
  that is equal to 92% of full error-box

We report MASTER observation of the galaxies cross-matched with LVC and HAWC localization (Singer et al. GCN 26479)
without OT detection with the following limits:

Galaxy_Coordinates   MASTER_first_image_UT    mlim (unfiltered) MASTER_observatory
323.482422 +5.279632 2019-12-17 09:53:01      17.0 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 10:54:13      18.6 MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-17 15:53:25      18.6 MASTER-Kislovodsk

323.056030 +4.832057 2019-12-17 09:41:42 17.3 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 12:09:47 18.6 MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-20 15:39:40 18.6 MASTER-Tavrida

322.921936 +5.503483 2019-12-17 09:53:01 17.0  MASTER-Amur
 		     2019-12-17 10:54:13 18.3  MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-20 15:39:40 18.6  MASTER-Tavrida
                      2019-12-18 16:40:44 18.5  MASTER-Kislovodsk

322.838806 +5.255421 2019-12-17 09:53:01 17.0 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 12:09:47 18.6 MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-17 15:53:25 18.6 MASTER-Kislovodsk
                      2019-12-20 15:39:40 18.6 MASTER-Kislovodsk

322.821228 +5.553754 2019-12-17 09:53:01 17.0 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 10:54:13 18.3 MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-20 15:39:40 18.6 MASTER-Tavrida

322.749084 +5.108610 2019-12-17 09:53:01 17.0 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 12:09:47 18.6 MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-17 15:32:09 19.6 MASTER-Tavrida
                      2019-12-18 15:54:04 20.0 MASTER-Tavrida

323.173767 +4.467985 2019-12-17 09:41:42 17.3 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 15:53:25 18.6 MASTER-Kislovodsk
                      2019-12-20 15:39:40 18.6 MASTER-Tavrida

322.906006 +5.850705 2019-12-17 09:53:01 17.0 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 10:54:13 18.3 MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-17 16:30:37 18.5 MASTER-Kislovodsk
                      2019-12-20 15:39:40 18.6 MASTER-Tavrida

323.034882 +4.482058 2019-12-17 09:41:42 17.3 MASTER-Amur
                      2019-12-17 15:53:25 18.6 MASTER-Tunka
                      2019-12-20 15:39:40 18.6 MASTER-Tavrida

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