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GCN Circular 20784

LIGO/Virgo G275404: A near-infrared transient in the error circle of AGL J1914+1043
2017-03-01T09:17:28Z (8 years ago)
Michitoshi Yoshida at J-GEM <>
Yoshida, M., Utsumi, Y., Nakaoka, T., Abe, T., Nagashima, H.,
Kawabata, K. S., Kawabata, M., Shiki, K. (Hiroshima U.),
Ohsawa, R. and Sako, S. (U. of Tokyo) on behalf of J-GEM

We performed near-infared H-band observations of nearby galaxies
in the error circle of the gamma-ray transient candidate found
in the AGILE-GRID data, AGL J1914+1043 (Tavani et al. GCN 20754),
which is located at the edge of the skymap of G275404 (GCN 20738)
with 1.5m Kanata telescope on UT 2017-02-27. The instrument used
was an optical near-infrared simultaneous camera HONIR.

We found a bright near-infrared transient in the observed field of
GL191032+075314. The data was taken at 20:32UT on 2017-02-27. The
H-band AB magnitude of the source was 16.3 +- 0.02. The location
of the source is

     RA=19:10:31.46, DEC=+07:53:52.0 .

We also conducted an I-band observation for this area simultaneously.
No transient source was detected with the 5-sigma I-band limiting
magnitude of 19.6. There is no bright counterpart in 2MASS H-band
data, but a point source (SSTGLMC G042.1312-00.6118; in GLIMPSE I
Spring '07 Catalog) is clearly seen at the same position in 3.6 um
data taken by Spitzer GLIMPSE survey.

The observation log with 5-sigma limiting magnitudes is shown

Telescope: Kanata 1.5m telescope
galaxy          RA       DEC     UT              H
GL191032+075314 287.6351 7.8871  2017/2/27-20:32 18.7
GL192215+140356 290.561  14.0655 2017/2/27-21:11 17.5
GL191327+105427 288.3622 10.9076 2017/2/27-20:52 18.5
GL191032+075314 287.6351 7.8871  2017/2/27-20:32 18.3
GL190530+100857 286.3748 10.1491 2017/2/27-20:12 18.1
GL190618+125620 286.5759 12.9388 2017/2/27-19:53 18.2
GL190415+125637 286.0637 12.9437 2017/2/27-19:33 17.8
GL185836+113738 284.6512 11.6271 2017/2/27-19:13 17.9
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