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GCN Circular 20493

LIGO/Virgo G268556: Global MASTER Net 21 OTs detection
2017-01-21T11:11:58Z (8 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <>
N.Tyurina, V.M.  Lipunov, O.Gress, E. Gorbovskoy, V.G. 
Kornilov, P.Balanutsa,  A.Kuznetsov, V.Shumkov, M.I.Panchenko, A.V.Krylov, 
Lomonosov  Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute

D.Buckley, S. Potter, M. Kotze South African Astronomical Observatory

R. Rebolo, M. Serra-Ricart, G. Israelian, N.Lodiu
The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias

A. Tlatov, V.Sennik
Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory

N.M. Budnev, O. Gress, K. Ivanov
Irkutsk State University

V.Yurkov, Yu.Sergienko, A.Gabovich
Blagoveschensk Educational State University, Blagoveschensk

1) MASTER OT J072347.17+041144.0 discovery

MASTER-SAAO auto-detection system ( Lipunov et al., "MASTER Global Robotic 
Net", Advances in Astronomy, 2010, 30L ) discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) 
= 07h 23m 47.17s +04d 11m 44.0s on 2017-01-09.07133 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 17.5m (mlim=19.3).
The OT is seen in 2 images. There is no minor planet at this place.
We have reference image on 2015-05-17.70236 UT with unfiltered mlim= 
Spectral observations are required.

The discovery and reference images are available at:

2) MASTER OT J073310.71-012307.3 discovery - dwarf nova outburst

MASTER-SAAO auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 07h 
33m 10.71s -01d 23m 07.3s on 2017-01-15.07407 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 18.0m (mlim=18.7). The OT is seen in 2 
images. The second image on 2017-01-15.07656 has m_OT=18.3 (possible UGSU 
type?). There are 2 images on 2017-01-18 18:44:23UT (MASTER-Kislovodsk) 
with m_OT=18.8 (mlim=19.8).
We have reference images on 2016-10-13.09314 UT with unfiltered mlim= 
19.0m (MASTER-SAAO), on 2013-02-11 18:07:22UT with 
There were previous outbursts in MASTER databases:
on 2013-12-27 20:41:41.17 with m_OT=18.5 (2 images in MASTER-Kislovodsk)
on 2015-12-17 17:22:22.72 with m_OT=17.5 (2 images in MASTER-Tunka)

Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:

3) MASTER OT J080700.56+162008.7 detection

MASTER-IAC auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 08h 
07m 00.56s +16d 20m 08.7s on 2017-01-19.13492 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 19.3m (limit 19.8m).
The OT is seen in 2 images (2017-01-19 03:14:17.943, 03:10:37.397). We 
have reference image without OT on 2016-11-09.20727 UT with unfiltered 
magnitude limit 20.0m.
There is Sloan star with gmag=22.9, r=21.2, i=19.6

Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:

4)  MASTER OT J075227.62+113311.6 discovery - QSO flare

MASTER-SAAO auto-detection system
discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 07h 52m 27.62s +11d 33m 11.6s on 
2017-01-08.99171 UT.

The OT unfiltered magnitude is 18.5m (mlim=19.5).
The OT is seen in 8 images. There is no minor planet at this place.
We have reference image on 2015-05-25.70605 UT with unfiltered mlim= 
Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:

5) MASTER OT J063256.50-212333.4 detection - possibly UVCet flare

MASTER-IAC auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 06h 
32m 56.50s -21d 23m 33.4s on 2017-01-18.91929 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 17.6m (limit 19.7m).

The OT is seen in 5 images, UVCet preliminary (J-K=0.8)
2017-01-18 21:41:32.849 16.0
2017-01-18 21:45:12.99 16.2
2017-01-18 21:48:58.848 16.5
2017-01-18 22:03:47.638 17.5

We have reference image without OT on 2015-12-18.08299 UT with unfiltered 
magnitude limit 20.7m.
Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:

6)  MASTER OT J074554.47+283123.8 discovery

MASTER-SAAO auto-detection system ( Lipunov et al., "MASTER Global Robotic 
Net", Advances in Astronomy, 2010, 30L )
discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 07h 45m 54.47s +28d 31m 23.8s on 
2017-01-05.04067 UT.

The OT unfiltered magnitude is 18.4m (mlim19.7=).
The OT is seen in 2 image. We have reference image on 2017-01-05.03814 UT 
with unfiltered mlim= 19.6m.
There is no known objects inside 3" in VIZIER database, but there is very 
faint source at Sloan image (rmag<23)
Spectral observations are required.

The discovery and reference images are available at:

7)  MASTER OT J081016.59+335347.5 discovery - PSN in 1.9"W, 2.4"S of 

MASTER-Kislovodsk auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) 
= 08h 10m 16.59s +33d 53m 47.5s on 2017-01-08.15065 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 17.0m (limit 17.6m).

The OT is seen in 2 images. There is no minor planet at this place.
We have reference image without OT on 2016-11-02.89640 UT with unfiltered 
magnitude limit 19.8m.
Spectral observations are required.

The discovery and reference images are available at:

8) MASTER103001.37+680122.3 discovery - dwarf nova outburst?

MASTER-Kislovodsk auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) 
= 10h 30m 01.37s +68d 01m 22.3s on 2017-01-07.12512 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 18.5m (limit 20.3m).

The OT is seen in 2 image. There is no minor planet at this place.
There is m_OT=20.1 on 2017-01-06 02:18:08UT (dwarf nova?), it means 
amplitude of current outburst more then 1.5mag
Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:

9) MASTER OT J073330.60+203432.7 discovery - dwarf nova outburst?

MASTER-Tunka auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 07h 
33m 30.60s +20d 34m 32.7s on 2017-01-18.65299 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 18.1m (limit 19.5m).

The OT is seen in 2 images. There is no minor planet at this place.
We have reference image without OT on 2017-01-05 20:20:59 with mlim=19.8, 
on 2011-11-28.89471 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 20.0m.
There is Sloan blue star with rmag=19.80, it means current outburst 
amplitude more then 1.9m

Spectral observations are required.

10) MASTER OT J084411.47+670931.6 - flare, >1.5mag Ampl
MASTER-Kislovodsk auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) 
= 08h 44m 11.47s +67d 09m 31.6s on 2017-01-20.72236 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 19.1m (limit 20.1m).

The OT is seen in 6 images. There is no minor planet at this place.

We have reference image without OT on 2012-10-20.89072 UT with unfiltered 
magnitude limit 19.8m.
There is USNO B1 star with R2=20.6, APM blue mag=22.04, it means MASTEr 
W=20.9, Ampl of current outburst >1.5

Spectral observations are required.

11) MASTER OT J102428.83+641859.1 discovery - QSO flare

MASTER-Tunka auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 10h 
24m 28.83s +64d 18m 59.1s on 2017-01-07.81205 UT.
The OT unfiltered m is 17.8m (limit 20.2m).

The OT is seen in 23 images in history. Last QSO (Sloan red=20.5) 
outbursts detected by MASTER:
2015-03-09 17:00:10.572  19.0
2017-01-05 14:58:23.595 17.9
2017-01-07 19:29:21.053 17.8
2017-01-07 19:45:55.751 17.8

We have reference image without OT on 2016-08-20 18:40:31 with mlim=18.7, 
on 2015-07-10.70841 UT with unfiltered mlim=19.6m.

Spectral observations are required.

12) MASTER OT J075227.69+113313.2 discovery - QSO flare

MASTER-Tunka auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 07h 
52m 27.69s +11d 33m 13.2s on 2017-01-06.70229 UT.
The OT magnitude in unfiltered is 18.4m (limit 19.0m).

The OT is seen in 2 images.
We have reference image without OT on 2015-10-19.86133 UT with unfiltered 

There is Sloan source in 1" with red mag 19.819, GALEX source(accretion), 
QSO candidate (Richards+, 2015).

Spectral observations are required.

13) MASTER OT J081506.13+381123.3 discovery - PSN in 11"E,2.8"N of 

MASTER-Kislovodsk auto-detection system ( Lipunov et al., "MASTER Global 
Robotic Net", Advances in Astronomy, 2010, 30L ) discovered OT source at 
(RA, Dec) = 08h 15m 06.13s +38d 11m 23.3s on 2017-01-16.01742 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 16.9m (limit 18.6m).
The OT is seen in 2 images in MASTER-Kislovodsk and in 2 in MASTER-SAAO 
(2017-01-18 00:38:36UT).
There is no minor planet at this place.
We have reference image without OT on 2016-11-29.91344 UT with unfiltered 
magnitude limit 20.1m.
Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:

14) MASTER OT J074928.00+190452.3 discovery ( 2017-01-19 22:23:28.536UT, 
mOT=17.4) = current outburst of UG (dwarf nova) CSS 090331:074928+190452
15) MASTER OT J051306.58-261951.9 detection (2017-01-11 23:36:39.213, 
m_OT=16.1) = current outburst of UGSU  ASASSN-14kf
16) MASTER OT J224258.06-194551.5 detection  (2017-01-04 19:44:11.46, 
m_OT=13.7) = current outburst of UGSU (Dwarf nova) ASASSN-14hs
17) MASTER OT J101511.20+812418.1 discovery () = current outburst of dwarf 
nova ASASSN-15gq / UGSU
18) MASTER OT J101813.00+715542.7 discovery 2017-01-04 20:20:00.35UT, 
m_OT=15.1) = current outburst of dwarf nova CI UMa (UGSU)
19) MASTER OT J075107.56+300628.0 discovery (2017-01-06 18:33:32.877, 
m_OT=15.3) = current outburst of dwarf nova  SDSS J075107.50+300628.4
20) MASTER OT J105811.78+811432.6 discovery - BLA flare in GW170401 field 
, publishied GCN20392

21) MASTER OT J090021.21+635049.7 - SN, publishied GCN20381
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