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GCN Circular 18090

GRB 150728A: FTN observations
2015-07-28T17:07:38Z (10 years ago)
Simone Dichiara at Ferrara U/Italy <>
S. Dichiara, C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), C.G. Mundell (U. Bath),
S. Kobayashi (LJMU), A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana) on behalf of
a large collaboration report:

The 2-m Faulkes Telescope North began observing Swift GRB 150728A
(Krimm et al. GCN 18087) on July 28, 13:48:25 UT (~57 minutes after
the BAT trigger) with SDSS r and i filters.

we identify an uncatalogued object within XRT error circle
(Beardmore et al. GCN 18088), at the following position:

RA(J2000) = 19:28:54.81
Dec(J2000)= +33:54:58.0

with an uncertainty of 1". The counterpart has the following

Mid time from  Total Exp   Filter    Magnitude
trigger (min)   (s)
61.8            120x5        r'     21.8 +- 0.3
73.3            120x5        i'     20.7 +- 0.3

Magnitudes are calibrated against nearby USNOB-1 stars
(R2 and I).
Presently we cannot state anything about possible variability in
the source flux. However, we note that field is quite crowded.
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