GCN Circular 1766
GRB021219: a long GRB localized by INTEGRAL
2002-12-19T12:36:03Z (22 years ago)
INTEGRAL Shift Ops at INTEGRAL <shift@isdcmail.unige.ch>
S. Mereghetti, D. Gotz, J. Burkowsky,
the INTEGRAL Science Data Center and the INTEGRAL Science Working team
report the detection of GRB021219 at 07:33:57 UTC
in the field of view of the IBIS telescope on board ESA's INTEGRAL
The burst lasted about 4 seconds and had a peak flux of about 1-2
10^-7 erg/cm2/s in the 25-100 keV range.
The preliminary position is RA 18h50m and DEC +31deg 52s with an
uncertainty of 20' (radius) dominated by systematics.
A refined position will be reported as soon as available.
This message is citable.
[GCN OPS NOTE (19dec02): Due to a typing mistake the GRB declination
in GCN 1766 was reported as +31deg 52s. The correct value is +31deg 52min
There was also a spelling error in the name of J.Borkowski.]