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GCN Circular 1416

GRB020531 Optical Observations
2002-06-07T01:16:18Z (23 years ago)
Don Lamb at U.Chicago <>
A. Miceli, D. Q. Lamb, D. Zucker, K. Covey, J. Dembicky, and N. C.
Hastings report:

We have observed the field of GRB020531 (=H2042) (Ricker et al., GCN
1399) using the SPIcam (4.78' x 4.78' field of view) on the ARC
3.5-meter telescope at APO under clear skies and a bright moon on UTC
2002 June 1 from 07:27:53 to 07:43:05 UTC (beginning 1.3 days after the
burst), and under mostly clear skies but poor seeing on UTC 2002 June 6
from 04:38:33 to 04:54:22 UTC (beginning 7.2 days after the burst).

On both nights we took three 400-second r'-band exposures that cover
the entire refined hexagonal IPN error region for GRB020531 (Hurley et
al., GCN 1407).  We have examined these images in the vicinity of the
ten X-ray sources seen in the first Chandra follow-up observation that
lie inside the refined IPN error region and the three bright X-ray
sources that lie just outside the refined IPN error region (Ricker et
al., GCN 1415).  The table below lists the approximate r* magnitude or
the approximate limiting r* magnitude of any object that lies at the
location of these thirteen X-ray sources, based on a preliminary
analysis of a single r'-band image taken on each night.  SPIcam RMS
astrometric errors are 0.2 arcsec or less.

X-ray  Optical    RA         Dec      r* mag     r* mag     Comment
Source Source    (deg)      (deg)    (June 1)   (June 6)
cxo00  arc00   228.8139   -19.4194     ---         20.6  Outside June 1 FOV
cxo05  mag05     -----      -----     > 22.5     > 22.0  Magellan R ~ 23.6
cxo15  arc15   228.7431   -19.3892      20.7       20.7
cxo28   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0
cxo36   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0
cxo41   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0
cxo47   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0
cxo48   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0
cxo51   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0
cxo52   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0
cxo55  arc55   228.7374   -19.4107      22.3       ---   Outside June 6 FOV
cxo56  arc56   228.8091   -19.4073      20.5       20.5
cxo58   ---     -----       -----     > 22.5     > 22.0


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