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GCN Circular 1172

Detection of the X-ray afterglow of GRB011121 by BeppoSAX
2001-12-03T12:39:11Z (23 years ago)
SAX Science Operations at IAS/CNR Frascati <>
Detection of the X-ray afterglow of GRB011121 by BeppoSAX
L. Piro, P. Soffitta (IAS/CNR-Rome), L.A. Antonelli (OAR-Roma), J. in 't
Zand, J. Heise (SRON, Utrecht), L. Nicastro (IFCAI/CNR, Palermo), L. Amati
(ITeSRE/CNR, Bologna), F. Frontera, C. Guidorzi, E. Montanari (Ferrara
Univ.), L. Reboa (BeppoSAX SDC, Telespazio, ROma), M. Corsi, S. Granata
(BeppoSAX SOC, Roma), G. Gennaro (BeppoSAX OCC, Roma), S. Rebecchi (ASI
SDC, Roma), L. Salotti (ASI, Roma)
We have successfully performed a follow-up observation of GRB011121 with
BeppoSAX starting on Nov.22, 16.01 UT. This is the first TOO (Target of
Opportunity) observation of a GRB after the new gyroless mode was
installed in October and being tested.
We have detected the fading X-ray afterglow of GRB011121 with NFI (1SAX
J113426-7601.4) at a position RA(2000)= 11h34m25.8s, Decl(2000)=-76 01'
22", with an error radius of 50". This position is 25" away from the
optical transient (GCN#1150), well within the error, verifying the good
quality of the aspect reconstruction in this new pointing mode.  A
detailed data analysis is in progress.glow of GRB011121 with NFI (1SAX
J113426-7601.4) at a position RA(2000)= 11h34m25.8s, Decl(2000)=-76 01'
22", with an error radius of 50". This position is 25" away from the
optical transient (GCN#1150), well within the error, verifying the good
quality of the aspect reconstruction in this new pointing mode.  A
detailed data analysis is in progress.
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