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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

Search for Circulars by submitter, subject, or body text (e.g. 'Fermi GRB').
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
  1. GRB test from AAS
  2. GRB test
  3. GRB 000001Q TEST
  4. GRB 123456Z courey testing
  5. GRB Test
  6. GRB testing
  7. GRB iOS chrome again
  8. grb123: iOS Chrome testing
  9. GRB testing iOS
  10. GRB test from Chrome iOS
  11. GRB testing
  12. GRB Testing for Kafka
  13. GRB Testing
  14. GRB foobar
  15. GRB foobar test
  16. GRB testing 3
  17. GRB testing 2
  18. GRB testing
  19. GRB test 4
  20. GRB test 3
  21. GRB test 2
  22. GRB test
  23. GRB foobar
  24. GRB foobar
  25. LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S230627c: Zwicky Transient Facility observations and candidates
  26. LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S230627c: Zwicky Transient Facility observations and candidates
  27. GRB foobar
  28. GRB foobar
  29. PKS2326-505, millimeter wavelength flare, transient
  30. GRB foo 3
  31. GRB foo 2
  32. GRB foo
  33. GRB foo
  34. GRB foo
  35. GRB foo
  36. GRB test
  37. GRB foo
  38. GRB foobar
  39. GRB foobar
  40. GRB foobar
  41. GRB foobar
  42. GRB foobar
  43. GRB test
  44. MAGIC test
  45. GRB test
  46. GRB foo
  47. Test GCN GW submission
  48. GRB test 2
  49. GRB test
  50. GRB test
  51. Test GW GCN hermes submission 2
  52. Test GW GCN hermes submission
  53. Test GW GCN hermes submission
  54. A GRB test
  55. TEST GW GCN hermes submission
  56. GRB 170817A: an awesome GCN Circular
  57. VIRT optical transient detection
  58. GRB 230414B: 3.6m DOT Optical observations, slow decay at early epochs
  59. GRB 230307A: iTelescope optical upper limit (likely)
  60. GRB 230414B: Montarrenti Observatory late time optical afterglow detection
  61. IceCube-230416A: IceCube observation of a high-energy neutrino candidate
  62. Fermi trigger No 703284533: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  63. GRB 230414B: Lulin 40cm-SLT optical limit
  64. GRB 230414B: Bassano Bresciano Observatory optical observations
  65. GRB 230414B: Redshift from OSIRIS/GTC
  66. GRB 230414B: AbAO optical observations
  67. GRB 230409B: 3.6m DOT near-infrared detection, afterglow confirmation
  68. GRB 230414B: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
  69. GRB 230414B: Dabancheng/GHOST optical observations
  70. AMON Coincidence Alert from the sub-threshold IceCube-HAWC search NuEm-230414A
  71. GRB 230414B: slow optical light curve decay
  72. GRB 230414B: SAO RAS optical observations
  73. GRB 230414B: Enhanced Swift-XRT position
  74. GRB 230414B: 1.3m DFOT Optical observations
  75. Fermi GRB 230414A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  76. GRB 230414B: GROWTH India Telescope afterglow confirmation
  77. GRB 230414B (correction GRB name in the GCN 33615): Mondy optical afterglow candidate
  78. GRB 230414B: Nanshan/HMT optical afterglow detection
  79. GRB 230414A: Mondy optical afterglow candidate
  80. Swift GRB 230414B: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  81. GRB 230414B: Prompt enhanced Swift-XRT position
  82. GRB 230414B: Swift detection of a burst
  83. IceCube-230405A: BOOTES-4/MET Optical Upper Limits
  84. GRB 230414A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
  85. GRB 230328B: redshift lower limit estimating
  86. GRB 230409B: Mondy optical upper limit
  87. GRB 230409B: OHP/T193 optical upper limit
  88. GRB 230410B: VZLUSAT-2 detection
  89. GRB 230409D: VZLUSAT-2 detection
  90. GRB 230410B: AGILE detection of a burst
  91. GRB 230410A: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
  92. Fermi GRB 230409C: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  93. Fermi GRB 230409A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  94. GRB 230409C: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
  95. GRB 230409B: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
  96. GRB 230409B: Swift-BAT refined analysis
  97. Fermi trigger No 702745263: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  98. Swift GRB 230409B: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  99. GRB 230409B: Swift/UVOT Detection
  100. GRB 230409B: Enhanced Swift-XRT position


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