GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- GRB011130 (=XRF011130), Optical Observations
- XRF011130: NEAT Optical Observations
- GRB011130 (=XRF011130): Revised Localization of an X-ray
- GRB001109, Radio Monitoring
- GRB 011121: Errata URL
- GRB 011121
- GRB011130 (=H1864): An X-Ray Rich GRB Detected by HETE
- GRB 011121: J-band observations
- GRB 011121: NIR observations, host galaxy?
- GRB010921 - Milagro GeV/TeV Observations
- GRB 011121: HST Scheduled
- GRB011121: fainter still
- Correction: GCN1157 (GRB 011121)
- GRB011121: UBRI Observations
- GRB011121
- GRB 011121: Radio Observations
- GRB 011121 J-Band Astrometry
- GRB011121: continued decay
- GRB 011121: Detection of Bright IR Counterpart
- GRB011121: possible redshift, continued decay
- GRB011121: fading behavior
- GRB011121: possible optical counterpart
- GRB011121: BeppoSAX-WFC refined positions
- IPN triangulation of GRB011121
- GRB 011030: TNG K-band observation
- XRF011030: J and K band observations
- GRB011030, optical observation
- XRF011030: Chandra Observations
- GRB 011030: K-band observations
- GRB011030: Z-band observations
- GRB 011030 R band observations
- GRB 011030 I-band Observation
- The X-ray Flash 011030 ('GRB 011030')
- Non-triggered burst 011030 ("GRB 011030")
- The Radio Afterglow from the X-ray Rich GRB 011030
- GRB 010921: HST Detection of the Afterglow and Host Galaxy
- GRB 970828: HST Observations of the Host Galaxy
- GRB 000131: HST Detection of the Host Galaxy
- GRB 970828: HST Observations of the Host Galaxy
- GRB010921, optical observation
- GRB 011019 optical observation
- Optical observation of SGR 1806-20 at the 6-m SAO telescope
- GRB011019: Subaru Optical Observations
- GRB 011030 I-band Observations
- GRB 011030 K-band Observations
- GRB010921, optical observations
- GRB 011030, WSRT radio observations
- GRB011030 - further refinement WFC position
- GRB 011030, Radio observations
- GRB011030: radio search
- GRB 011030, R-band observations
- X-ray rich GRB011030: BeppoSAX refined positions
- BeppoSAX ALERT: Possible X-ray rich GRB011030
- GRB 010921: Possible supernova component
- GRB011019: NEAT Optical Observations
- GRB011019: ROTSE-III optical observations
- GRB010921, optical observation at early time
- GRB 010921, I-band observations
- GRB011019: Optical observations
- GRB011019, optical observations -- correction
- GRB011019, optical observations
- GRB011019: A Faint, X-ray Rich GRB localized by HETE
- GRB010921: Spectroscopy of the Host Galaxy
- GRB 010921: The afterglow of HETE #1761
- Optical Observations of the field of HETE trigger #1793/GRB 011012?
- Optical Observations of the field of HETE trigger #1793/GRB 011012?
- GRB010923 as seen by BeppoSAX GRBM
- GRB010928(=H1770): Localization of a Long GRB by HETE
- GRB010923(=H1764): A Short Duration GRB Detected by HETE
- GRB010921, negative optical observations
- GRB010921 field photometry
- GRB010921 Optical Observations
- GRB 010921 DPOSS Images Available
- IPN triangulation of GRB010921 (=H1761)
- H1761: A Bright GRB Detected by HETE
- HETE Trigger #1760 (GRB 010920B?): new optical source = asteroid
- HETE Trigger #1760 (GRB 010920B?): a new optical source
- HETE Trigger #1759 (GRB 010920?) optical observations
- GRB001109, Host Galaxy Astrometry
- GRB000926, Host Galaxy Observations
- GRB001109, Host Galaxy Spectroscopic Observations
- Probable SGR or Short Duration GRB Detected by HETE
- GRB000926 Host Galaxy Observations
- GRB 010222: HST observations -- host galaxy and late-time decay
- BeppoSAX/GRBM detection of GRB 010801
- GCN and HETE status
- Dramatic Increase in the Rate of X-ray Bursts Reported by HETE
- BeppoSAX/GRBM detection of GRB010728
- GRB 010222 - WHT BVRI images
- SGR1900+14 burst seen by HETE: BeppoSAX data
- GRB 010629 Optical Observations
- GRB010629: Optical Observations
- SGR1900+14: High Fluence Burst Localized by HETE
- GRB010629, optical observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB010629
- GRB010629: A Burst Localized by HETE
- SGR1900+14: Second Burst Localized by HETE
- SGR1900+14: A Burst Localized by HETE
- Possible burst from SGR1806-20