GCN Circulars
GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.
To navigate to a specific circular, enter the associated Circular ID (e.g. 'gcn123', 'Circular 123', or '123').
- XRF020903, BVRI field photometry
- GRB021004: optical observations at Nyrola
- GRB021004: Absorption redshift
- GRB021004(=H2380): Revised Localization with HETE Soft X-ray
- GRB021004: optical observations at Bisei
- GRB 021004: Kyoto observation
- GRB021004(=H2380): A Long GRB Localized by HETE in Near-Real Time
- GRB021004: Optical Afterglow
- XRF020903: TNG and Asiago photometry
- GRB 020903: Optical observations at RIKEN
- XRF 020903: Correction to GCN 1560
- XRF 020903: VRI observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB020926 (single large error box)
- GRB 020903: correction to GCN 1557
- XRF 020903: R band observations
- XRF 020903: Archival Optical Images
- Radio Observations of XRF 020903: The Missing Link
- XRF 020903: Supernova
- IPN triangulation of GRB020926 (two large error boxes)
- GRB020924 (ecliptic latitude-only localization)
- IPN triangulation of GRB020923 (two error boxes)
- IPN annulus for GRB020923
- IPN triangulation of GRB020914B
- Improved IPN position for GRB020918 (two large error boxes)
- IPN annulus for GRB020914B
- IPN triangulation of GRB020918 (annulus)
- IPN triangulation of GRB020911 (2 large error boxes)
- IPN triangulation of GRB020914 - clarification and additional information
- IPN triangulation of GRB020914
- GRB 020305: HST/STIS observations
- Confirmation of IPN error box for GRB020910
- IPN triangulation of GRB020910
- IPN GCN Circulars now to be issued without restriction
- Single IPN error box for GRB020904
- XRF 020903: optical observation at Kyoto
- GRB020322 : HST/STIS observations
- XRF 020903: Optical observations
- IPN triangulation of GRB020904
- XRF 020903: Optical observations
- IPN detection of a burst from SGR1900+14
- XRF 020903, optical observations
- GRB020903(=H2314): An X-Ray Flash Localized by HETE
- INTEGRAL GRBs added to GCN
- GRB020813: optical observation
- GRB020812: optical observation
- GRB020819(=H2275): Revised Localization with HETE Soft X-ray
- SGR1900+14 burst localized by HETE
- GRB020813: High-resolution optical spectroscopy
- GRB020819: optical observations at Bisei
- GRB020812: negative optical observations
- GRB 020812: optical observation at Kyoto University
- Second epoch K band imaging of GRB 020819
- GRB020813, Baade 6.5m data now available
- GRB 020813 : HST observations
- Confirming no variability for GRB02081
- GRB020819 : Optical observations at KISO
- GRB 020812: early time optical observation at Ouda Station
- GRB020813: VRI Decay Slopes
- GRB020813: Magellan BVRI Photometry
- GRB 020819 : OT candidate - confirmation of non variability
- GRB 020819: Optical observations
- K band observation of GRB 020819
- GRB020819: optical observations
- GRB020819(=H2275): A Long Burst Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
- IPN triangulation of GRB020819 (HETE 2275)
- HETE 2275: Optical observations
- GRB020813: optical and NIR observations
- GRB020813: Fading X-ray Afterglow Observed with Chandra
- GRB020813, UBVRI field calibration
- GRB 020813: addendum to GCN 1498
- GRB020813: optical observations at Bisei
- GRB020813: V-band decay slope
- GRB020812: NIR observations
- Polarimetry of GRB020813: evidence for variability
- GRB020813 IRAM millimeter observations
- GRB020812: optical observations
- GRB020813: High-Resolution Optical Observations
- GRB020813(=H2262): Revised Localization with HETE SXC
- GRB 020812: optical observation at Bisei
- GRB020813: Early Time Magnitude
- GRB020813: optical observations; possible host galaxy
- GRB 020813, radio detection
- GRB 020812 : optical afterglow candidate
- GRB020813, optical observations
- Millimeter observation of GRB 020813
- GRB020812: optical observations
- GRB 020813 : KISO multiband optical observations
- GRB020813, optical observations
- IPN error box for GRB020813
- IPN triangulation of GRB020813
- GRB020812: possible afterglow candidate
- Early Time Limits for GRB020813
- GRB020812: possible afterglow candidate
- GRB020813, astrometric position
- Spectropolarimetry of GRB 020813
- GRB 020813 Afterglow Observations; Possible break
- GRB 020813: Absorption redshift
- GRB 020813 multiband optical observations
- GRB020813: optical afterglow
- GRB020813: Fading of Candidate OT