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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

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  1. GRB 031203: Further reports on December 4 observations
  2. GRB 031203: IR NTTobservations do not confirm REM detection
  3. GRB031203 : Optical Observation of Lulin Observatory
  4. GRB 031203: z ~ 10 or Fragmented Dust in the Circumburst Environment?
  5. GRB 031203: Apparent Spectral Break
  6. GRB031203: Planned XMM-Newton observation II
  7. GRB 031203: IR REM Observations
  8. GRB031203: Optical Observations
  9. GRB 031203 XMM-Newton observation
  10. GRB 031203: Optical/IR SMARTS Observations
  11. GRB031203: Planned XMM-Newton observation
  12. IPN triangulation of GRB031127A and B (quasi-simultaneous; large error boxes)
  13. GRB 031203: further analysis of INTEGRAL data
  14. GRB 031203: A long GRB detected with INTEGRAL
  15. IPN triangulation of GRB031201 (large error box)
  16. IPN triangulation of GRB031130 (large error box)
  17. GRB031111A, prompt optical observations
  18. GRB 030329: Planned XMM-Newton Observation
  19. IPN triangulation of GRB031120 (two large error boxes)
  20. GRB 031111B (= H2925) : Kyoto Optical Observation
  21. IPN/HETE localization of GRB031109 (=H2917; large error box)
  22. IPN detection of activity from SGR1806-20
  23. GRB 031111, Radio observations
  24. IPN triangulation of GRB031114 (large error box)
  25. IPN triangulation of GRB031107 (two large error boxes)
  26. GRB 031111: Optical observations
  27. GRB 031111, optical observations
  28. SN 2003jd (SN/GRB?) -- X-ray Observations
  29. HETE Prompt GRB Spectral Analyses
  30. IPN triangulation of GRB031111 (=H2924): small error box
  31. XRF031109 (=H2919): A very long XRF localized by HETE
  32. IPN triangulation of GRB031108 (large error box)
  33. GRB031026: 1.2mm upper limit with MAMBO at the IRAM 30m
  34. GRB030929/SN2003jd association unlikely based on IPN localiztion
  35. IPN triangulation of GRB031027 (small error box)
  36. IPN triangulation of GRB031026B (large error box)
  37. Lulin optical follow-up observations of GRB031026
  38. SN 2003jd (SN/GRB?), Radio Observations
  39. SN 2003jd (SN/GRB?) - possible association with GRB 030929
  40. GRB 031026: Further Ic Observations
  41. GRB 031026 (=H2882): Evidence for High Redshift from Prompt
  42. Peculiar Type Ic SN 2003jd (SN/GRB?), optical spectrum
  43. IPN triangulation of GRB031024 (single error box)
  44. GRB031026 (=H2882): A Long, Hard Spectrum Burst Localized by HETE
  45. GRB 031026: Ic Observations
  46. GRB031026 : KISO optical follow-up observation
  47. IPN triangulation of GRB031024 (annulus)
  48. IPN triangulation of GRB031020 (large error box)
  49. GRB030329: radio observations at RT-22 (CrAO)
  50. IPN triangulation of GRB031016 (two large error boxes)
  51. IBAS alert 1180 refers to a burst from SGR 1806-20
  52. HETE Prompt GRB Light Curves and Color-Color Diagrams
  53. IPN triangulation of GRB031014 (annulus)
  54. Ongoing Bursting Activity from SGR 1806-20 detected with IBAS
  55. XRF 030824: additional observations at CFHT
  56. SGR1806-20 bursts on 031008. Helicon detection and small error box.
  57. IPN triangulation of GRB031008 (annulus)
  58. SGR 1806-20 bursts with INTEGRAL and IBAS announcement on Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters
  59. IPN detection of continued activity from SGR1806-20
  60. IPN triangulation of GRB031007 (two large error boxes)
  61. XRF 030723: Subaru Optical Observations
  62. IPN triangulation of GRB031004B (annulus)
  63. IPN triangulation of GRB031004A (short/hard; annulus)
  64. IPN triangulation of GRB030929 (short/hard; annulus)
  65. A burst from SGR 1806-20 detected with IBAS
  66. XRF 030824: Early follow-up observation at Kiso observatory
  67. XRF 030824: observations at CFHT
  68. IPN triangulation of GRB030926 (short/hard; large error box)
  69. IPN triangulation of GRB030922B (large error box)
  70. XRF 030723: Detection of the likely host galaxy
  71. XRF030824 (=H2821): An X-Ray Flash Localized by the HETE WXM
  72. XRF030823 (=H2818): An X-Ray Flash Localized by the HETE WXM and SXC
  73. IPN triangulation of GRB030922A (large error box)
  74. IPN triangulation of GRB030921 (large error box)
  75. IPN triangulation of GRB030919 (large error box)
  76. GRB030922 triangulation (annulus)
  77. GRB030913: Subaru Optical Observations
  78. GRB 030913: ROTSE-3c Optical Observations
  79. GRB030913: OT's limit by MASTER
  80. GRB030921 triangulation (annulus)
  81. GRB030913, candidate afterglow observations
  82. GRB 030913, optical candidate
  83. GRB030913: AAVSO optical observations
  84. GRB 030913, BOOTES observations
  85. GRB030913 (=H2849): Confirmation of the Flight Localization
  86. IPN triangulation of GRB030916 (possible short/hard GRB; large error box)
  87. GRB030913 (=H2849): TAROT Observations
  88. GRB030913: wide field imaging (7 sq.deg) of the error box by MASTER
  89. Magellan Observations of GRB030725 (=H2779)
  90. GRB030913 (=H2849): A GRB Possibly Localized by HETE
  91. IPN triangulation of GRB030908 (annulus)
  92. GRB 030913: Optical limit at RIKEN
  93. XRF 020427: Gemini-South Spectroscopic Observations of the Host
  94. XRF030824: Optical observations
  95. IPN triangulation of GRB030903 (large error box)
  96. IBAS detection of bursts from SGR 1806-20
  97. Radio Observations of SGR1806-20
  98. IPN triangulation of GRB030831 (annulus)
  99. IPN triangulation of GRB030830 (large error box)
  100. GRB 030824: Candidate Follow-Up


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