TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 986 SUBJECT: GRB010222 further R-band photometry DATE: 01/02/24 19:09:07 GMT FROM: Mauro Dolci at Teramo Obs. (OACT), Italy G. Valentini, F. Massi, M. Dolci and E. Di Carlo, Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo (Italy), report: New R-band observations of the GRB010222 field have been carried out with the 512 x 512 CCD camera (4' x 4' FOV) at the focus of the 0.72-m telescope of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo. A more accurate photometric calibration has been performed both on these new data and on the ones previously reported by us (GCN 980). The photometric stability during both nights was roughly 0.06 mag. Final results for the observations reported on Feb 23 (GCN 980) indicate R=19.63 p/m 0.05 with respect to the R=17 star "A" from Stanek et al. (GCN 970). However, a calibration made using SA106-1024 from the Landolt catalogue yields R=16.7 for star "A" and R=19.33 for the GRB counterpart candidate (seeing 3.6 arcsec). No colour correction was applied. The latest set of images was acquired starting on Feb 24.085 UT and ending on Feb 24.174 UT, for a total exposure time of 2 hours. The source was no longer detected above a 3-sigma limiting magnitude R=21 (seeing about 5 arcsec). This message can be cited.