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GCN Circular 984

GRB 010222 Kyoto optical observation
2001-02-24T10:20:09Z (24 years ago)
Taichi Kato at Kyoto U <>
GRB 010222 Kyoto optical observation

M. Uemura, R. Ishioka, H. Iwamatsu, T. Kato, Kyoto Univ., and
H. Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., on behalf of VSNET-GRB collaboration report:

   We observed the field of GRB 010222 starting at Feb. 22, 12:16 UT,
with 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegren telescope (+ unfiltered CCD) at Kyoto
University.  The GRB was detected on the images.  The following photometry
has been obtained:

      mid UT                    total exp. delta mag  detection level
   Feb. 22.534 (22.511-22.554)    2160s       3.09   (1.7 sigma)
        22.852 (22.842-22.861)    1350s       4.61   (6.2 sigma)

   The magnitudes are relative to PG 1450+432 (V=14.50).  By assuming
Rc = 14.70 for this star (Henden et al.), the observed magnitudes are
17.8 and 19.3 respectively.  The low detection level of the first run
was a result of low-alititude haze.

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