TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 977 SUBJECT: GRB 010222: Near-IR Observations DATE: 01/02/23 10:50:16 GMT FROM: Angelo Antonelli at Obs. Astro. di Roma A. Di Paola, L.A. Antonelli, G. Li Causi, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy, G. Valentini, Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, Italy, on behalf of a larger collaboration report: "We observed the Optical Transient candidate of GRB 010222 reported by Handen, GCN #961 and McDowell et al., GCN #963 in J and K band with the AZT-24 1.1-meter telescope at Campo Imperatore (AQ). The J-band observation started at February 23.0078 UT and the field was imaged for a total exposure time of 2200 sec. A point-like source was observed in a position consistent with the OT position (GCN #961, #963). The source was detected with a S/N=10 and had a magnitude of J=18.7+/-0.1. Another J-band observation started at February 23.1674 and the field was imaged for a total exposure time of 2200 sec. The source was still detected at a S/N=5 and had a magnitude of J=19.3+/-0.2 The K-band observation started at Feb. 23.0681 UT and the field was imaged for a total exposure time of 2700 sec. The source was detected with a S/N=8 and had a magnitude of K=17.4+/-0.3. The J-band images are posted at http://argos.mporzio.astro.it/angelo/grb010222/ This message is citable."