GCN Circular 9630
GRB 090709: Faulkes Telescope North Upper Limits
2009-07-09T09:35:32Z (16 years ago)
Zach Cano at ARI/John Moores Liverpool <zec@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
GRB 090709: Faulkes Telescope North Upper Limits
Z. Cano (Liverpool JMU), A. Melandri, C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), D. Bersier,
I.A. Steele, R.J. Smith, C. Mundell (Liverpool JMU)
report, on behalf of a large collaboration:
Following Swift detection of burst (Morris et al. GCN Circ. 9625), Faulkes
Telescope North (Hawaii) reacted robotically and began observing the field
of GRB 090709 in BVRi bands starting at 07:41:27 UT.
We detect no new source within the XRT error circle:
t_exp t-T0(mid exposure) mag
30s 207 s R2 > 19.3
180s 457 s I > 18.3
The upper limits are determined against stars in the USNO B1 catalog.