GCN Circular 9181
GRB 090418B: GRAS002 observatios
2009-04-21T06:27:00Z (16 years ago)
Veli-Pekka Hentunen at Taurus Hill Obs,A95 <veli-pekka.hentunen@kassiopeia.net>
Markku Nissinen (Taurus Hill Observatory) and Veli-Pekka Hentunen (Taurus
Hill Observatory) report:
Global-rent-a-scope GRAS002 Tak Mewlon 0.30m telescope with SBIG ST-8E
CCD at Mayhill (New Mexico, USA) was used for follow-up observations of
GRB090418B. The observations were started on April 19, at 03:55 UTC (19 hours
after the burst) and stopped at 05:35 UTC. Four unfiltered 600 seconds images
were taken. We do not detect any new object with respect to POSSII F/USNO-B1.0
inside the BAT error circle. Upper limit for the observations is > 20.5 mag (3UL). Quoted
upper limit has been derived using POSSII F and USNO-B1.0 field stars as reference.
Quoted upper limit has been derived using POSSII F and USNO-B1.0 field stars
as reference.