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GCN Circular 9100

GRB 090404: millimeter detection
2009-04-06T22:15:32Z (16 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC Granada), M. Bremer and J.-M. Winters
(IRAM Grenoble), J. Gorosabel, S. Guziy, M. Jel�nek, P. Kub�nek
(IAA-CSIC), A. de Ugarte Postigo (ESO Santiago) and D. P�rez-Ram�rez
(Univ. de Ja�n), report:

"Following the detection by Swift of GRB 090404 (Ziaeepour et al. GCNC
9086), millimeter observations were conducted on Apr 5.9 UT at the Plateau
de Bure Interferometer. Consistent the Swift/XRT enhanced position
(Beardmore et al. GCNC 9088) we clearly detect a millimeter source with a
108 GHz flux density of 1.1 mJy at coordinates RA(2000) = 15:56:57.52,
Dec(2000) = +35:30:57.5 with (0.3",0.2") 1-sigma error in (RA,DEC).
Pending of confirming its variability we propose this as the likely
millimeter afterglow to GRB 090404. Together with the lack of optical and
near-IR afterglows (Xin et al. GCNC 9090, Yock et al. GCNC 9092, Malesani
et al. GCNC 9095, Afonso et al. GCNC 9096, Jel�nek et al. GCNC 9099), this
event strongly resembles the dark burst GRB 051022 (Castro-Tirado et al.
2007, A&A 475, 101). Further millimeter observations are scheduled."

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