TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 862 SUBJECT: GRB001007: Optical observations DATE: 00/10/25 21:30:28 GMT FROM: Paul Price at RSAA, ANU at CIT P.A. Price (Caltech), O. Pevunova, B. Madore (IPAC) and S.G. Djorgovski (Caltech) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: "We have observed the afterglow candidate of GRB001007 (Price et al., GCN #843, Frail & Berger, GCN #860) with the Palomar 60-inch telescope with 4x900s exposures starting at Oct 25.34 UT. We do not detect the candidate to a limiting magnitude of R = 21.6 (based on the reference star from GCN #843, for 50% automated detection of artificial stars in the field). The derived temporal decay slope between our two epochs (Oct 10.69 and Oct 25.34) is alpha > 1.9 ." This message may be cited.