TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 842 SUBJECT: CONCAM null result on GRB001005 DATE: 00/10/10 18:27:52 GMT FROM: Robert Nemiroff at Michigan Tech. GRB001005: CONCAM crude optical limits before and after GRB trigger R. J. Nemiroff, D. Perez-Ramirez, W. E. Pereira, J. B. Rafert, C. Ftaclas, and J. Fernandez (Michigan Tech) report on behalf of the CONCAM collaboration: The CONtinuous CAMera (CONCAM) operating on the roof of the RMT building at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona has recorded data that provides very crude limits on the attributes of an OT through non-detection. A continuing series of two-minute exposures were taken on October 5 from 7057 s to 39623 s which brackets 12309 s, the time of the GRB trigger reported by Hurley et al. GCN 838. About 100 s of dead time follows each 120 s integration. Frame kp001005ut0321 starts at 12155 s and continues to 12275 s, while frame kp001005ut0325 starts at 12374 s and continues to 12494 s. Raw FITS data are available at http://concam.net . Processed GIF images of these frames are available here: http://concam.net/kp001005/kp001005ut0321.gif http://concam.net/kp001005/kp001005ut0325.gif We note that although the Moon was in the field, the position of GRB001005 is relatively unaffected. The position of GRB001005 is placed on the east edge of the CONCAM field and rotates through to the west edge during the night. Clouds and internal moonlight reflections occasionally degrade the image, mostly during the beginning of the night. No obvious optical counterpart down to about visual magnitude 4 over a two-minute exposure is visible on the frames. Future analysis including the addition of all the night's frames might provide limits down to visual magnitude 8 over the entire night. The times recorded on the CONCAM frames are behind the actual UT time by about 60 seconds. We have corrected for this in this report so that the uncertainty in the above reported times is only about 2 seconds.