GCN Circular 8181
GRB 080905: R & I-band optical observations
2008-09-05T16:47:34Z (16 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at IAA-CSIC <jgu@iaa.es>
P. Tristram (MOA, Univ. of Canterbury), A.J. Castro-Tirado
(IAA-CSIC, Granada), P. Yock (Univ. of Auckland), J. Gorosabel
(IAA-CSIC, Granada), A. de Ugarte Postigo (ESO, Santiago), report on
behalf of a larger collaboration:
"Following the detection by Swift of GRB 080905 (Pagani et al. GCNC
8180), we have obtained R & I-band images at the 0.6m telescope of the
Mt. John Observatory, New Zealand. The images were taken starting on
Sep 5.529 UT (i.e. 43 min post-burst).
We do not detect any object brighter than R=20.8 and I=20.3 consistent
with the XRT position. We note the presence of two extended R~15
(R~15.4) objects 8.5" (10") South (North-East) (Object A at
RA(J2000)=19:10:41.51, DEC(J2000)=-18:52:56.2 and Object B at
RA(J2000)=19:10:41.10, DEC(J2000)=-18:52:40.6, respectively) from the
XRT position which could be hosting the probably-short GRB 080905. A
finding chart can be found at