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GCN Circular 8139

SGR 0501+4516: Fermi GBM (formerly GLAST Burst Monitor) observations of three exceptionally intense outbursts
2008-08-26T22:10:21Z (16 years ago)
Jerry Fishman at NASA-MSFC <>
G. J. Fishman (MSFC), S. McBreen (MPE), M. S. Briggs (UAH), C.
Kouveliotou (MSFC), A. von Kienlin (MPE), A. J. van der Horst
(MSFC/ORAU), P. N. Bhat (UAH), C. A. Meegan (MSFC), report for the Fermi
GBM team:

A recent GCN Circ. (Kouveliotou, et al., GCN 8138) summarizes
observations of SGR 0501+4516,as seen with the Fermi GBM (formerly GLAST
Burst Monitor). Below, we report on three exceptionally large events
from this data set observed on 24 and 25 August 2008.  Peak fluxes are
over a time interval of 64 ms and fluences for the durations listed;
both are for the energy range 20 to 200 keV. All event spectra were best
fit with a power law and an exponential cutoff; their spectral
parameters are also given below.

These large events may have observable ionospheric disturbances
associated with them.


 Date      UT      Fluence    Peak flux  Index  E(peak)  Duration

                  (erg/cm2)  (erg/cm2-s)        (keV)     (ms)

080824*  1:17:57   2.2E-5      1.6E-4     0.21    50      448

080825*  4:48:29   2.7E-6      3.6E-5     0.14    39      192

080825   9:37:44   9.9E-7      1.0E-5     0.32    38      320

   * - reported by S. Golenetskii from Konus-Wind data (GCN 8132)

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