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GCN Circular 8122

New Soft Gamma Repeater 0501+4516 (GRB 080822): GLAST Burst Monitor detection
2008-08-23T10:01:50Z (16 years ago)
Andreas von Kienlin at MPE <>
Andreas von Kienlin (MPE), N.P. Bhat (UAH), E. Bissaldi (MPE), 
M.S. Briggs (UAH), V. Connaughton (UAH), R. Diehl (MPE), 
G.J. Fishman (NASA/MSFC), L. Gibby (NASA/MSFC), J. Greiner (MPE), 
A.S. Hoover (LANL), A.J. van der Horst (NASA/ORAU), R.M. Kippen (LANL), 
C. Kouveliotou (NASA/MSFC), G.G. Lichti (MPE), C.A. Meegan (NASA/MSFC), 
S. McBreen (MPE), W.S. Paciesas (UAH), R.D. Preece (UAH), H. Steinle (MPE), 
M.S. Wallace (LANL), and C.A. Wilson-Hodge (NASA/MSFC)report: 

"At 12:41:59  UT on 2008 Aug 22, the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM) triggered 
 on the new Soft Gamma Repeater 0501+4516 (GRB 080822) 
(GBM 080822.529 / trigger 241101720), reported by SWIFT 
(Holland et al., GCN Circ. 8112, Barthelmy et al, GCN Circ. 8113 
and GCN Circ. 8119). 

The on-ground calculated location, using the GBM trigger data, is 
RA = 86.2, Dec = +43.5 (J2000 degrees),(equivalent to J2000 05h 45m, +43d
with an uncertainty of 3.3 degrees (radius, 1-sigma containment, statistical

only). The true location error is 8.0 degrees for this soft, short event.

This event has a duration of about 80 ms. The spectrum in the 
10 keV to 100 keV energy band is well fit by a power law function
with an index of -1.6 +/-0.1. The high temperature for an 
optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB) fit is: 71 +/-13 keV.  
These results are consistent with the trigger clearly being seen to 100 keV.

The spectral analysis results presented above are preliminary."
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