GCN Circular 7929
GRB 080702A: MITSuME Akeno optical upper limits
2008-07-03T00:07:25Z (17 years ago)
Nobuyuki Kawai at Tokyo Tech <nkawai@hp.phys.titech.ac.jp>
Y.A. Mori, T. Shimokawabe, Y. Kudou, H. Nakajima and N. Kawai (Tokyo
Tech) report on behalf of the MITSuME collaboration:
The 3-color 50cm MITSuME Telescope at Akeno, Japan, responded to GRB
080702A (de Pasquale et al. GCN 7920) at 43 sec after the trigger,
though we obtained the first sky image 20 min after the trigger
due to the poor sky condition with frequent cloud coverage.
In the co-added images of Ic, Rc, and g' bands, we did not detect any
afterglow candidate in the XRT error circle. The 3-sigma limiting
magnitudes based on USNO-B1.0 (I-band) and NOMAD (R-band,g'-band)
stars are following.
Filter start UT end UT Exposure LimitMag
g' 12:16:37 13:11:35 23 x 60 s 16.6
Rc 12:16:37 13:11:35 23 x 60 s 17.7
Ic 12:16:37 13:11:35 23 x 60 s 16.5