GCN Circular 7792
GRB 080603B: ROTSE-III Detection of Optical Counterpart
2008-06-03T19:55:01Z (17 years ago)
Wiphu Rujopakarn at U AZ/Steward <wiphu@as.arizona.edu>
W. Rujopakarn (Steward), T. Guver (U Arizona), D.A. Smith (Guilford),
report on behalf of the ROTSE collaboration:
ROTSE-IIId, located at the Turkish National Observatory at Bakirlitepe,
Turkey, responded to GRB 080603B (Swift trigger 313087). The first image
was at 19:38:36.2 UT, 22.9 s after the burst (8.3 s after the GCN notice
time). The unfiltered images are calibrated relative to USNO A2.0. We
detect a new, rapidly fading object, not visible in the DSS (second
epoch), with coordinates:
11:46:07.8 +68:03:39.9 (J2000), with positional uncertainty
of 1" or better
start UT mag mlim(of image)
19:38:36.2 14.1 14.9
A jpeg image is available at
http://www.rotse.net/images/gsb313087_3d00_img.jpg (OT circled in yellow
and blue)
[GCN OPS NOTE(03jun08): Per author's request, the "B" was added to the
GRB name.]