TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 7714 SUBJECT: procesure for GRB Circular DATE: 08/05/14 12:00:07 GMT FROM: Kenta Nishimoto at Nagoya U/STE Dear GCN operator, Hello. I'm a student of STE lab, Nagoya univ, in Japan. Our group observe microlensing events using MOa-II telescope in New Zealand. I'm studying GCN to receive it for future. Could you please add me the circular list. 1)Your name : Kenta Nishimoto 2)Your institutional and/or project affiliation : MOA-II 3)The email address you want to receive the Circulars : nishimo@stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp 4)Your login account name you will be using to submit : nishimo 5)Your domain from which you will be submitting : stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp 6)Whether you want to receive or not the Circulars : 1 7)Whether you want to receive or not the Reports : 1 Best regards. Kenta Nishimoto -- Kenta Nishimoto