GCN Circular 7447
GRB 080319A, Swift-BAT refined analysis
2008-03-19T15:04:20Z (17 years ago)
Scott Barthelmy at NASA/GSFC <scott@lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov>
S. D. Barthelmy (GSFC), J. Cummings (GSFC/UMBC), E. Fenimore (LANL),
N. Gehrels (GSFC), H. Krimm (GSFC/USRA), C. Markwardt (GSFC/UMD),
K. McLean (GSFC/UMD), C. Pagani (PSU), D. Palmer (LANL),
A. Parsons (GSFC), T. Sakamoto (GSFC/UMBC), G. Sato (GSFC/ISAS),
M. Stamatikos (GSFC/ORAU), J. Tueller (GSFC), T. Ukwatta (GWU)
(i.e. the Swift-BAT team):
Using the data set from T-120 to T+182 sec from recent telemetry downlinks,
we report further analysis of BAT GRB 080319A (trigger #306754)
(Pagani, et al., GCN Circ. 7426). The BAT ground-calculated position is
RA, Dec = 206.352, 44.080 deg, which is
RA(J2000) = 13h 45m 24.6s
Dec(J2000) = +44d 04' 47.3"
with an uncertainty of 1.7 arcmin, (radius, sys+stat, 90% containment).
The partial coding was 7%.
The mask-weighted light curve shows two main over-lapping FRED-like peaks
starting at ~T-5 sec, peaking at T+5 and T+25 sec, and ending at ~T+70 sec.
T90 (15-350 keV) is 64 +- 36 sec (estimated error including systematics).
The time-averaged spectrum from T-7.7 to T+72.3 sec is best fit by a simple
power-law model. The power law index of the time-averaged spectrum is
1.60 +- 0.13. The fluence in the 15-150 keV band is 4.8 +- 0.4 x 10^-6 erg/cm2.
The 1-sec peak photon flux measured from T+31.80 sec in the 15-150 keV band
is 1.2 +- 0.2 ph/cm2/sec. All the quoted errors are at the 90% confidence
The results of the batgrbproduct analysis are available at
Due to a large backlog in downlinking the full data on this burst,
we currently do not have the usual data set out to long times yet.
Should the remaining data show that there is ongoing activity
for this burst past the data cutoff at T+182sec, then we will
issue an updated 'refined analysis' circular.