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GCN Circular 741

GRB000630, optical observations
2000-07-01T16:34:13Z (25 years ago)
Nicola Masetti at ITeSRE,CNR,Bologna <>
N. Masetti, E. Pian, E. Palazzi (ITESRE, CNR, Bologna),
J. Ticha, M. Tichy (Klet Observatory) and R. Hudec (ASU, Ondrejov), 
on behalf of a larger collaboration, report: 

"Unfiltered optical images of the central part of the GRB000630 
error box (GCN #736) were acquired on 2000 June 30.89 with the 0.57-meter
telescope (+CCD camera SBIG ST-8) of the Klet Observatory, Czech Republic,
for a total exposure time of 480 sec. The exposure was taken under bad
seeing (~3.5 arcsec) due to poor sky conditions.

No new or noticeable object down to a magnitude ~20.5 is detected inside 
the imaged part of the IPN error box when we compare our summed frame
with the DSS-II Digital Sky Survey.
Also, no object is present at the position indicated by Bartolini et al.
(GCN #737).
The position of the radio source reported by Berger & Frail (GCN #738)
is instead not covered by our pointing.".

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