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GCN Circular 735

GRB 000623, optical observations
2000-06-30T16:15:09Z (25 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at LAEFF-INTA, Madrid <>
J. Gorosabel (DSRI, Copenhagen),
S. Pascual, J. Gallego, J. Zamorano (UCM, Madrid),
A.J. Castro-Tirado (LAEFF-INTA, Madrid, and IAA-CSIC, Granada),
J.M. Castro Ceron (ROA, San Fernando),
S. Klose (Thueringer Landessternwarte, Tautenburg), 
J. Greiner (AIP, Potsdam),

report on behalf of a larger European collaboration:

"R-band images covering 90%  of the GRB  000623 error  box
 (GCN #730) were  acquired with the  2.2-m CAHA telescope,
 as follows:

    Date(UT)        T-T0(hr)   Exp.(s)   Seeing(")  Lim. Mag.
  24.900 -- 24.908   29.1       120        1.2"       20
  27.860 -- 27.876  100.2       240        2.0"       20

 Comparison between these two epoch observations did not reveal
 any object brighter than R ~ 19.7 showing a variation larger
 than 0.3 mag."

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