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GCN Circular 7031

GRB 071101: a nearby galaxy
2007-11-01T19:52:45Z (17 years ago)
Eran Ofek at Tel Aviv U. <>
E. Ofek (Caltech) reports:

I note the presence of a 2MASS-cataloged galaxy, 2MASX J03124721+6231391,
just outside the BAT localization region for the short-duration burst
GRB 071101 (McBreen et al. 2007; GCN 7030).
The galaxy is located 3.3 arcmin. from the nominal BAT localization.
By analyzing all the Swift BAT and XRT observed GRB positions,
I find that the probability that the BAT localization is off by
more than 3.3 arcmin is about 3%.
The galaxy J2000.0 position is: 03:12:47.2 +62:31:39, and it
has a total K-band magnitude of 11.4.

This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
(NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
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