GCN Circular 6665
GRB070724: Host galaxy redshift
2007-07-25T10:23:16Z (18 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at PSU <cucchiara@astro.psu.edu>
A. Cucchiara, D. B. Fox (Penn State), S. B. Cenko (Caltech), E. Berger
P. A. Price (IfA) and J. Radomski (Gemini) report on behalf of a larger
Starting on 2007 July 25 at 06:40 UT we used GMOS on the Gemini South
telescope to obtain a set of 900 seconds spectra of the host galaxy of
(Ziaeepour et al., GCN 6654).
The covered wavelength range is ~5000-9000 A.
We found strong evidence of emission lines identified as [O II] 3727,
Hbeta and
[O III] 4959,5007 doublet at redshift z=0.457.
This confirms the low-redshift nature
of the host galaxy for this short burst as noted by Bloom et al. (GCN 6658).
We wish to thank and acknowledge the effort of the staff at Gemini South
in undertaking these observations.