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GCN Circular 6634

Erratum : Suzaku WAM observation of GRB 070704
2007-07-17T10:08:01Z (18 years ago)
Masanori Ohno at Hiroshima U <>
C. Kira, M. Ohno, T. Uehara, T. Takahashi, Y. Fukazawa (Hiroshima U.),
K. Yamaoka, Y. E. Nakagawa, S. Sugita (Aoyama Gakuin U.),
M. Tashiro, Y. Urata, A. Endo, K. Onda, M. Suzuki, N. Kodaka, K. Morigami (Saitama U.),
T. Enoto, R. Miyawaki, K. Nakawaza, K. Makishima (Univ. of Tokyo),
S. Hong (Nihon U.),
M. Kokubun, M. Suzuki, T. Takahashi (ISAS/JAXA),
E. Sonoda, M. Yamauchi, S. Maeno, H. Tanaka, R. Hara (Univ. of Miyazaki),
T. Tamagawa, Y. Terada (RIKEN), 
and Suzaku WAM team report:

The Suzaku WAM preliminary result of GRB 070704 (Kira et al. GCN Circ. 6616) 
contained a wrong value in a 1-s peak flux in the 100-1000 keV band.
The correct value is 1.2 +/- 0.1 photons/cm^2/s. 

We apologize for this mistake.
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