GCN Circular 644
BeppoSAX GRB000424
2000-04-25T16:37:39Z (25 years ago)
SAX Science Operations at IAS/CNR Frascati <saxsci@ias.rm.cnr.it>
BeppoSAX GRB000424
On April 24 at 18:18:07 UT a burst (GRB000424: BATSE trigger 8086)
was detected in WFC (2-26 keV). BeppoSAX GRBM was switched-off because of
proximity to SAGA.
The position is:
R.A.= 104.718
Decl.= 49.873
with an error radius of 2.5'.
A fast position distribution and a follow -up with BeppoSAX NFI could not
be performed because of the holiday period in Italy (see also GCN 634