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GCN Circular 6412

GRB 070517: Optical search
2007-05-17T14:55:18Z (18 years ago)
Alan Gilmore at U of Canterbury,Mt John Obs <>
A. C. Gilmore (Mt John Observatory of the University of Canterbury) reports:

A total of 1200 seconds clear CCD exposures of the GRB 070517 region were taken 
with the 1-m f/7.7 reflector at Mt John Observatory in poor (3.5") seeing . The 
exposure set was centred on May 17 14:01 UT, 2.7 hours after the burst. 
No new object was seen to the limit of DSS-2 infrared in a 5' x 5' region 
approximately centred on the revised position of Vergani et al at (J2000) RA 18h 
30m 30s  Dec -62d 17' 50".
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