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GCN Circular 6368

GRB070429B: possible host galaxy detection
2007-04-30T01:16:44Z (18 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at PSU <>
Cucchiara A. (PSU), D. B. Fox, S. B. Cenko, E. Berger:

We observed the refined XRT error circle of GRB 070429B (GCN 6360) with 
the Gemini-South telescope for a total of 900 sec in r-band starting on
2007 April 29 at  07:59:55 UT (~ 4 hr after the burst).  Within the XRT 
error circle we
find a single faint object located at:

     RA    = 21:52:03.96  (J2000)
     DEC = -38:49:42.79  (J2000)

The object appears to be extended and we cannot determine a possible
fading at the moment. The r magnitude is 23.18 +- 0.15 calibrated using
four stars from USNOB1 catalogue.

We thank the Gemini-South staff for their support.
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