GCN Circular 6335
GRB 070411: BART early limit
2007-04-20T15:30:56Z (18 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Inst.Astrophys.Andalucia,Granada <mates@iaa.es>
Jan Strobl (ASU Ondrejov), Martin Jelinek (IAA
CSIC Granada), Martin Nekola, Filip Munz, Rene
Hudec (ASU) and Petr Kubanek (IAA, U. Valencia)
The robotic telescope BART in Ondrejov followed
automatically the GRB 070411 (Moretti et al. GCN
6267), with the first exposure starting 55.7s af-
ter the GRB trigger (15.9s after receiving the
The beginning of the (unfiltered) optical observa-
tion is simultaneous to the second gamma-ray peak
of this ~100s long GRB (Markwardt et al. GCN6274).
The optical transient (Moretti et al. GCN 6267,
Kann et al. GCN6268) was not detected, giving the
following limits:
start end limit note
55.7s 85.7s R>15.4 30s, simultaneous to gamma
55.7s 167.9s R>16.0 3x30s
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