TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 628 SUBJECT: GRB000408, lotis optical observations DATE: 00/04/10 05:53:34 GMT FROM: Hye-Sook Park at LLNL H. S. Park, R. Porrata (LLNL), G. G. Williams, D. Hartmann (Clemson), K. Hurley (UCB), S. Barthelmy (GSFC) report on behalf of the LOTIS collaboration: The realtime BATSE trigger came at 7:37 pm local time when the sky was too bright for observation. However, Lotis' wide-field-of-view sky patrol data covered the grb000408 IPN error box (GCN 626) 1.64 hours after the burst (15241s UTC). Comparison of the images with the previous sky patrol images, the Digital Sky Survey, and the Guide Star Catalog reveal no OT within the IPN error box brighter than m = 15.0 (5-sigma). No astronomical filter was used during these observations. Further analysis is in progress. This message may be cited.