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GCN Circular 6272

GRB 070411: IAC80 optical observations
2007-04-12T00:08:20Z (18 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Inst.Astrophys.Andalucia,Granada <>
M. Jelinek (IAA-CSIC, Granada). J. A. Caballero (MPIA
Heidelberg), A. de la Nuez (IAC La Laguna) and A. J.
Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC),


"We have observed the field of  GRB070411 (Moretti
et al.  GCNC 6267) and its associated optical
afterglow (Moretti et al., Kann et al. GCNC 6268,
Rykoff et al. GCNC 6269, Mikuz et al. GCNC 6270,
Gomboc et al.  GCNC 6271) with the IAC80 telescope
at Observatorio del Teide in BVR filters, starting
at 21:45 UT, i.e. 1.5 h after the trigger. 

The OA has faded to R=20.1+-0.1 (USNO-B1.0) at the
epoch of our first observation."
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