GCN Circular 6199
GRB 070311: MDM Optical Follow-up
2007-03-12T16:59:07Z (17 years ago)
Jules Halpern at Columbia U. <jules@astro.columbia.edu>
J. P. Halpern & E. Armstrong (Columbia U.) report on behalf
of the MDM Observatory GRB follow-up team.
"We observed the afterglow of INTEGRAL GRB 070311 in the
R band for a second night using the MDM 1.3m telescope.
A combined 8x600 s image with mid-epoch Mar. 12 03:33 UT
yields R = 23.05 +/- 0.10 using the same comparison star
as in GCN 6195. The corresponding power-law decay index
is -0.53 between 0.9 and 25.7 hours. The seeing was ~1.7".
There is possible evidence for emission extending ~1.5"
to the west of the OT. If so, it may contribute to the
shallow decay index.
MDM images are posted at
This message may be cited"