GCN Circular 6191
GRB 070311: PAIRITEL confirmation of variability of REM candidate
2007-03-11T03:47:25Z (18 years ago)
Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley <jbloom@astron.berkeley.edu>
J. S. Bloom (UC Berkeley) reports:
We analyzed the stack of images of the field of GRB 070311
(Mereghetti et al. GCN 6189) obtained with the 1.3m PAIRITEL project
starting 2007-03-11 02:07:17 UTC (494 second total). The source noted
as a possible afterglow by Covino et al. (GCN 6190) is well detected
in J and H band. A comparison to 2MASS yields a preliminary H-band
magnitude of H=17.0 +/- 0.1. This is 2.7 magnitudes fainter and ~14
minutes later than the REM detection. As such, we confirm that the
source noted by Covino et al. is indeed the afterglow of GRB 070311.
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