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GCN Circular 6045

GRB070126: Swift-XRT possible detection of an afterglow
2007-01-28T10:26:47Z (18 years ago)
Loredana Vetere at PSU <>
L. Vetere, J. Racusin (PSU) reports on behalf of Swift XRT Team:

We analysed the first 28ks of XRT data of the faint burst GRB 070126
(Vetere et al., GCN 6027).  We do find in the BAT error circle (Fenimore
et al., GCN 6040) a detection of a faint uncatalogued X-ray source at
the following coordinates:

  RA(J2000)  =  2h 14m 09.78s
  Dec(J2000) = -73d 32' 06.7"

with an estimated uncertainty  of 4.4 arcseconds (90% containment).
This position lies 0.7 arcmin from the BAT refined position reported
by Fenimore et al. (GCN 6040).

The PSF corrected count rate is (7.1 +/- 2.3)e-4 cts/s. No other point
source is detected above the 3 sigma upper limit of 1.0e-3 cts/s inside
BAT error circle.

Due to the small number of counts, we are unable to determine whether
the source is decaying at this time. Observations are continuing and
further analysis regarding the fading nature of this source will be
issued as the data become available.

This circular is an official product of the Swift XRT Team.
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