TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 6 SUBJECT: Untitled DATE: 70/01/01 00:00:00 GMT FROM: circulars@gcn.nasa.gov GRB971214 - USNOFS Observations Summary #006 A.A. Henden, C.B. Luginbuhl and F.J. Vrba (U.S. Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station) report that they obtained a total of 111 min integration of the revised SAX localization for GRB971214. The data are a combination of 600-sec and 30-sec exposures taken with the 1.0-meter telescope using a Tek2048^2 CCD and a R-band filter. It is hoped that the short exposures will allow the recovery of at least some information in the region near the bright star HD103690 (V=6.7) located within the localization. The first image began 1997 Dec 15 10:44 UT, the last ended 13:42 UT. Images are presently being processed. There are no obvious differences between these images and the DSS. When completed, a stacked and trimmed composite of all images will be posted on our anonymous FTP site (ftp.nofs.navy.mil / for comparison with earlier or later epoch data. To get the image, login as "anonymous", use your email address as the password if required. The file will be /pub/outgoing/fjv/grb971214-1214R.fts. We intend to observe the localization again tomorrow morning if possible (1997 Dec 16 UT).